
Showing posts from April, 2018
April 24, 2018  1/4 of my mission done! ​Well another week gone. It's crazy to think that I just finished 1/4 of my mission..... What the heck!?! Well it's been crazy awesome! I have learned so much and have grown so much as a person. Im not going to lie Im still very load and um same old me but my perspective on life for sure has changed. My testimony in my Savior Jesus Christ has grown so much. I know I just don't think I know my Savior Jesus Christ suffered for me!!! I love John 3:16-17 "16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.". I love replacing world with my name. You have to change some words up to make sense of it but try it for yourself. It tells me even if I was the only person on this planet, God still would send his son for me. So I could
Amazing facebook missionary experience-April 16, 2018 Well this was a very exciting week for me as I got my first baptism of the mission  . Not that it's about how many baptisms at all but it's so great to see someone progress and then end up making a covenant to always remember Him (Jesus Christ) and live worthy to have the spirit with us by living the commandments God has given us. I know that I have for sure reaped the rewards of doing so and continue to as I am obedient to my Heavenly Father and doing as he wants us to do. It's so amazing to me that I can know what to do as I strive to be like my Savior. There are some key attributes that the Savior has that I am striving for and invite all of you as well. They are faith in Jesus Christ (something we need if we want to be like him haha), hope, Charity and Love, Virtue, Knowledge, Patience, Humility, Diligence and Obedience. So I know that sounds like a lot to work on all at once. It for sure is for me!! So I choose
Lance Nels Fibke-April 7, 2018 Apr 9 Well another pretty amazing week! I don't think there's a week that goes by where I don't love at least something haha. Some days are a little less fun then others but there are always a day of miracles that just makes you so happy and makes being out here so worth it. This week's highlight has to be being asked to confirm our investigator a member of the church, after she is baptized. As well, we had a general authority come talk to us about repentance. There were two things that he spoke of that really stuck out to me. First was "the Lord will make gold mines in the worst of situations, but this will happen only if/when you turn to him." He may have said it a little differently but something along those lines. But it made me smile because like I mean I can sometimes feel pretty down when things aren't going my way. But when that happens I turn to my Lord and miracles always end up hap