
Showing posts from March, 2019

March 11, 2019 We walked for 8 hours that day to find those 3 people within 15 minutes.. Been pretty hype up here not going to lie.

Another good week here in the good old Sudbury. Honestly this week was crazy! We had a meeting my companion and I had to go to in Toronto which is 4 hours away on Thursday so half of our day Wednesday was driving and Friday. The Thursday was an all day conference that we have with a couple of the missionaries in leadership. Super good and inspiring and really motivated me to work hard for the rest of the week. I went on exchanges with another missionary Friday and Saturday and saw crazy miracles. Found 4 new people to teach and had some great lessons with them Yesterday! God truly was looking out for us as we had a blank day of finding. For sure paid off though. I'm really finding as I serve that I learn so much more about myself and really gain a strong will power. There was an awesome quote from a video we watched called lift at the conference on Thursday. It went like this "It's easier to find yourself because their is so much more to find." (In the context of se

Mar 4, 2019 Sudbury is so sweet!

Sudbury is so sweet! The members the people everything is so great. Honestly cold wise isn't even bad either. Feels like a typical winter in Calgary during March. Saw so many miracles and felt so uplifted this week. I love my new companion, he is legit a good buddy already. We both are pretty similar and both have some ambitious goals that I know can be achieved through hard work and diligence. We were able to teach a girl this week that we committed to be baptized for March 16 so coming up super quick so I'm so excited for that. My mission has really help me realize the blessing of the gospel and how it truly affected my life for the better. We were able to listen to an amazing speaker talk this weekend. He was a member of the 70 (Elder Gay). One thing he said that was very profound to me was "You either live your life by covenant or by convenience.". This hit me hard and really made me think. I went home that night and studied up on covenants and what it has meant t

Feb 24, 2019: Well my time here in North York has come to an end..going to Sudbury!!

Well my time here in North York has come to an end. Pretty sad honestly because of the amazing work that is going on but am so pumped to see what Sudbury holds for me. Going to be heading up North to the coldest part of the mission ahahha. I guess they think since I'm from Canada I like the cold.....hahahaa. But truly has been an extraordinary experience here and seen so many miracles. Super happy I was able to stay for the two baptisms this transfer as I truly loved them both. The lady ended up getting baptized and confirmed Sunday morning Feb 24,2019 and what a spirit filled baptism that was. I was able to confirm her a member of the church and give her the gift of the Holy Ghost. Just makes me so happy I am able to hold that authority to bless others lives! I know that it is because of the Restoration of Jesus Christ church and the authority given enables us "to seal both on earth and in heaven"(D&C 1:8). I truly know that this power has been restored

Feb 11, 2019 TORONTO: I don't know why but God is being way to kind to us (I am so grateful!!!).

Miracles on miracles on miracles hahaha! Well this week was so extraordinary. I don't know why but God is being way to kind to us (I am so grateful!!!). I have really seen what sacrifice, diligence and obedience can do. This week we had an amazing guy get baptized, put another lady from Niagara on date for baptism for March 2 and still have the other lady progressing well and should make her baptismal date for February 23! I am still in love with this place and the people. The amount of peace and joy in the work I do daily is beyond what I have ever felt before. Not to say it's not hard but I have gotten to a point that I know what I am saying is not just something I have been told all my life. I know it's true and I appreciate this time I get to be a representative of Christ. Especially because I know my time is limited out here. I know I will never get another chance like this in my life. It motivates me a lot to make sure I strive to not waste one second of it! Littl

Feb 04, 2019 SNOW, SNOW SNOW (and nice cars!)

Well the polar vortex has passed....says the weather man at least. It has been so cold!! Like honestly Toronto is like a 100 times colder then Calgary haha. No it is warming up already its plus six today and super warm so that's brings me a lot of optimism. This week was another crazy week. We had three very long meetings one taking a hole day in Brampton which is about a hour away. But we still saw some amazing miracles! We will be having a baptism Saturday as he passed his interview. I am so pumped for him and just feel so blessed to be here as he makes this decision to more fully come unto Christ. One thing that our mission has really been focusing on is setting it on fire (not actually but just seeing miracles and being able to expect them through our faith and obedience). We have seen an exponential amount of miracles as we have focus on this in our area and in the area's we look over. The next miracle is we found three new people we are starting to teach and had two peopl

January 28, 2019 Life in Toronto this week!..

Update: haven't been in the hospital this week hahaha. No I'm honestly back to normal now. Legit this week was crazy busy honestly. It was go, go and go. Most days we didn't have time for a full hour dinner or half hour lunch. It is such a blessing though. Time flies and we are getting so much accomplished, it feels super good. We had some insanely solid lessons with our two people we have on date right now. One was over video call via Facebook messenger as she was in a rush that day. We were able to read through Moroni 7 (talking all about faith,hope and charity) with her. She was so excited and she was able to really see the goodness the Book of Mormon brings to her. She has said multiple times, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints sounds fully right in my head. She is just waiting for that confirmation in her heart that we know will come as she is determined to know for herself. I love that we are entitled to revelation and can expect it if we are working at i