
Showing posts from May, 2018

May 22, 2018

Exciting times here in Waterloo!!! We have a baptism next week!! Then another one following that 2 weeks later . Lots of miracles have been happening. I'll tell ya about how nice things help are when you share the gospel hahahaha. Well first of all it was the afternoon and I really needed something to eat. So of course we drive to a yummy place here in town Called DT Shawma, wonderful place with some killer good food. Anyway we get there walk up and it was going to be a 20min wait. So of course right away I was like no way I'm waiting that long! I legit need food now! I'm starting to get hangry if you can relate, it is rough. But we decided to just go to good old McDonald's. So we walked in and I'm waiting in line to order and a man, a couple feet away form me says "nice watch, it should be on MY wrist" haha. I said thanks and we started to chat. He asked what church I went to. So I told him what we were all about as missionaries and it was the church ju

May 14, 2018 Pickles! Where do you just order PICKLES!!

Note from the Momma! The day after Mothers Day so all I got was this picture! We had a wonderful talk with Lance yesterday, so I guess he didn't have anything more to tell us today! He gets to phone home to talk to the immediate family on Mothers Day and Christmas, for 45 minutes! And he stuck to the 44 minutes he told us he only had one more minute! I sure loved hearing from him...we ALL did!  He is happy and growing, and as a mother, what more can I ask for from ANY of my children!  Love them all and am so pleased with how they are choosing to live their lives!

May 7, 2018

So excited for a change. I'm staying here in Waterloo but got a new companion. He actually just got here from Turkey! So what happened is because of the church being concerned for the missionaries safety in Turkey they pulled them all out of the area. They all got reassigned to different places all over the world. So four of them showed up here about a week ago. Its crazy! He was only able to be there for 10 weeks and then he got pulled and now he is here. Im so excited to show him how amazing the CTM (Canada Toronto Mission) is and get him out working here! It will be so cool to hear of the crazy experiences he had over there for the short period he was there. He is from Lehi, Utah so he should be a pretty decent English speaker ahahha. It will be good to have a baptism this month with him here so he can get pumped to serve here ahah. Anyway we had a pretty solid week and spent some really solid time finding new people. We as a mission this week talked to over 5000 thousan

May 1, 2018

May 1, 2018 Well week 6 in Waterloo. This Sunday is transfers. I'm like 95% sure I'm staying here, which I'm very ok with!! This area is so bumpin. First off had a sweet week by the way. We found 7 new investigators and got to put one on date for baptism for  May 26 . He is a man from Syria and is so awesome!!! We are so blessed to have technology because without it we would have an extremely rough time sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him. We are able to use Google translate as well as use Facebook messenger to video call people that speak Arabic. He was extremely prepared to hear the message of the restored gospel that we teach, the priesthood keys that have been restored to the earth in  it's fullness!  Truly is amazing and I am so thankful for the restoration that occurred. It's so great to know that the prophets in the Bible foresaw this apostasy (a time where the gospel wasn't on the earth) coming. In Amos  8:11  it reads "Behold, the days