May 1, 2018

May 1, 2018

Well week 6 in Waterloo. This Sunday is transfers. I'm like 95% sure I'm staying here, which I'm very ok with!! This area is so bumpin. First off had a sweet week by the way. We found 7 new investigators and got to put one on date for baptism for May 26. He is a man from Syria and is so awesome!!! We are so blessed to have technology because without it we would have an extremely rough time sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him. We are able to use Google translate as well as use Facebook messenger to video call people that speak Arabic. He was extremely prepared to hear the message of the restored gospel that we teach, the priesthood keys that have been restored to the earth in  it's fullness!  Truly is amazing and I am so thankful for the restoration that occurred. It's so great to know that the prophets in the Bible foresaw this apostasy (a time where the gospel wasn't on the earth) coming. In Amos 8:11 it reads "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord" . This was a time where many were searching but couldn't not find the full truth. I like to think of it this way. There was a big mirror. When Jesus Christ was here on this earth and established his ministry with his twelve apostles, that mirror reflected fully back at him. Well as Jesus Christ was Crucified and suffered for our sins, as well as his apostles eventually killed off, the mirror was broken and those pieces were scattered all over the place. But because our Heavenly Father loves us so much he wanted to restore that truth-that fullness again. So through a Prophet Joseph Smith THAT happened; that mirror once again was put back together and fully reflected back. What a blessing it is to have that full truth, not just bits and pieces, but that fullness. The same organization that existed in Jesus Christs time. As church members and especially at this time in my own life, as I share this on a daily basis, I get a lot of negative responses to what we have to share. But saying that, it honestly hurts me more to think of what others are missing out on because I know without a doubt what we share is true. I know that it can bless their life beyond belief and I want that for everyone and that's why it hurts me. But because we have all been given agency (the choice to choose) many people decide to reject our message. It's hard because you want it so bad for them to hear but you can't force anyone to do anything.  It is fully up to the individual whether or not they take it to their Heavenly Father and sincerely ask to know if it's true. Just as it says in Moroni 10: "3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.". We have to ask sincerely with real intent if we want an answer. You have to be willing to actually respond to the promptings of the spirit or nothing will come out of it. Well there's my thoughts haha. We have been doing a lot of finding to build our teaching pool so we can stay busy and Heavenly Father is blessing us so much. I'm pretty hyped about this week as we have President M. Russell Ballard coming to talk to us this week on Saturday!!!...Just to the missionaries for a couple hours as he is in Toronto for a stake conference this weekend!! So that will be a very spiritual and an amazing meeting I'm sure!!! Well starting to consistently be warm enough to wear short sleeves which is so sick!!! It feels so nice to have the sun on my skin haha. Except no shorts...ugh it's kinda hot with pants,but what ever it's still sweet that it's warm. English class here is getting really big, we had about 20 people show up this past Tuesday which was sick. As well as basketball we had so many guys come out. O I forgot to tell ya a cool story. We were just going around knocking and stuff and we came across some guys playing ball on an outdoor court. So we went up to them and asked if we could play for a little. They kinda were like 'what the' but ok. But we almost beat these two guys and ended up getting their respect hahaha. So we got their numbers and one is coming out to church soon. So that was sick as heck. Ball blesses lives! 😂👌. Well this is getting long so I'll rap it up but I love all of you guys and hope everything is going really well. Have a wonderful week 🤘💎🔥👌😍


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