May 22, 2018

Exciting times here in Waterloo!!! We have a baptism next week!! Then another one following that 2 weeks later. Lots of miracles have been happening. I'll tell ya about how nice things help are when you share the gospel hahahaha. Well first of all it was the afternoon and I really needed something to eat. So of course we drive to a yummy place here in town Called DT Shawma, wonderful place with some killer good food. Anyway we get there walk up and it was going to be a 20min wait. So of course right away I was like no way I'm waiting that long! I legit need food now! I'm starting to get hangry if you can relate, it is rough. But we decided to just go to good old McDonald's. So we walked in and I'm waiting in line to order and a man, a couple feet away form me says "nice watch, it should be on MY wrist" haha. I said thanks and we started to chat. He asked what church I went to. So I told him what we were all about as missionaries and it was the church just around the corner. He was in a rush but we invited him out to church and got his number. Now flash forward to Saturday (that happened on the Tuesday) and my comp and I call him up and his wife answers and we asked if they were coming out. She said they will both be there!! Ok! So that was sick as heck, but it gets better. So they come out to church and we go up to them after sacrament meeting and they said they just loved the service. So I start talking to the guy and he's telling me how it wasn't by accident we met that day at McDonald's. Anyway, he goes on to tell me all these dates and numbers that match up to the day we met and so on. I notice his love for I asked him what his favorite number was. He said "8" i responded how does June 8th sound? He said for what? I said to become a member of this church and be baptized?! He went on to say yes and how excited and loved he felt there so June 8th is his big day to be baptized!  Wow!!! What an amazing experience and miracle that was!!! God truly puts people in our path and prepares people to meet us. There's an awesome scripture that goes along with that it's in the book of Isaiah in chapter 61:1 it reads "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound". I love this because i know thats exactly what our message does for people and truly frees them from all that hold them down!! We get to talk to so many people that use the Savior's atoning sacrifice to help repair their spiritual and physical wounds, he suffered for not only our sins but our pains and afflictions "11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." (Alma 7:11-12). How amazing is that!!! We can truly rely on our Savior for everything and anything! I have grown to love this so much because it truly lifts a burden off of my shoulders and can for all, as you apply his teaching into your life. I am so blessed to know of this and I know I am making only but a small sacrifice being out here sharing that with others to show my Savior my love for him and my God my thankfulness for his Plan of Happiness that is so perfect for all who applies it in their life. For sure message me on Facebook or over email if you are reading this and want to learn more because I promise you, it can change your life right now, as well as for eternity. Blessings will come as you follow our Savior!!! I can't even start to list what this gospel as done for me. Please always be thankful for all you have been given because we truly have been given much. Thank our Heavenly Father daily for all he has given us, we are so blessed, we are loved and we do have purpose being here on earth! Its like 4000 thousand degrees out now and it's sick!!! Imma getting nice and tanned. Mowed my first lawn of the year for this old lady, good times. Well keep it real my friends, loves from your boy🤙


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