Dec 18: I am so blessed. This mission thing is beyond great...LIGHT THE WORLD!...

(Mom: Lance with 'his people'!!-still the same Lancey boy haha) 

I am so blessed. This mission thing is beyond great ahha. My comp and I had a great week full of many miracles and fun times. The city is so insane, there honestly is always thousands of people all around you. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is! So since we are really trying to light the world with the initiative put on by the church we had the opportunity to do a hot chocolate stand downtown Toronto with a couple sets of missionaries! It was such a success as we were able to get a ton of phone numbers and give out a lot of Book of Mormons. Ultimately lighting the world with the real meaning of Christmas which is Christ!! What a great season to truly help people come closer to our Savior. Its a big blessing to be here serving at this time of the year. Honestly doesn't even feel like Christmas though we haven't had any snow really ahha. Its been kinda cold but nothing to insane to be honest. Which is super great for finding as people have more of a tolerance to talk as they aren't freezing cold in a blizzard. Here's a miracle story! So my comp and I set a goal to find three new people to teach, have two people at church and have one on date each week of our transfer. They are high but very attainable goals for our area and I know as we put faith in the Lord and work hard we see miracles. I honestly experience this time and time again. So last night at around 7 o'clock we had almost hit the goal we set. We were one short for new people. So we decided to go to work. We were way far from our house in a car and still needed to do one of our studies for the day. So we started to call former people on our drive home, that were taught before and looked like they might be promising. We called about 10 people or so with no success. But as we were pulling up we called one more person...this person needed our call at that very moment! She went on to share with us that she had just had two family members pass away and she was struggling to find a sense of peace. So we were able to share with her we knew that this is not the end and she would be able to see them again. This helped her a lot and we set up a time with her to meet on Thursday.... but that's not the end. Her friend was listening to all this we later find out she asked if she could come! She has been very curious about our church and wants to know if its just people getting brain washed that join the church or if its for real. We were able to testify that we know its real and she could come to know through prayer, reading, coming out to church and meeting with us. She agreed to do so. So their you go! God works in so many different ways to find those ready and willing. I am so blessed to be a part of Christ's church and sharing it with others. I am grateful and so blessed to be serving the people of Toronto and am so grateful for this Christmas time. I invite you all to go light the world. 

Do something to make someone's day. Just as it says in Luke 1:79 "To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."  Help those that are in dark places and bring them to the light in what ever way that may be. That could be just as simple as smiling. Go do it ahh! Well love you all and hope you have a great Christmas!! 


  1. Hello Lance! We love reading your animated, interesting, heartfelt and awesome experiences serving the Lord's people in Toronto. I am so encouraged by your enthusiasm and focus and desire to continue to grow! We will continue to pray for you, we all send our love and prayers. We are going to go and make someone's day!! (in the morning)


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