Oct 21:.Two weeks left! My mission has been very special and meaningful to me...

Well it was an exciting week with a tone of ups and downs! Had a super amazing last zone conference and it was very special to have an opportunity to bear my testimony one last time to everyone! Super crazy honestly. My mission has been very special and meaningful to me so it was a very bitter sweet moment. I had the great opportunity to be able to Skype one of the families I found in Sudbury that was baptized this past Saturday and talk to them for a little. It is amazing how much the gospel can impact individuals and families. They all had a new light and demeanor or about them that was extraordinary. I know this is only found through following Jesus Christ and His example can this new light and demeanor be found. Also was able to have a great surprise just yesterday as I went to one of the people I found on the bus just last transfers baptism. I was just planning on being there but they wanted to surprise me and asked me if I could confirm him in sacrament meeting! That is always a great privilege and I am grateful to hold the priesthood and be able to exercise it. One thing that was kinda sad is our baptism didn't end up working out. She needed a little more time but I am still super hopeful for her. She is awesome and has a strong belief in Christ so I know it will work out for the best. On the other had a girl that we found on Thanksgiving we had an opportunity to meet with this past Thursday. Amazing first lesson with her and we put her on date for Nov 30!! She is from Iraq but was a Christian her whole life. We found her just walking out of the subway which is super cool. She was in a big rush but we were able to quickly share a Book of Mormon and share a little about it. Then got her number! She made it out to a special YSA broadcaster we had Saturday night and came to church the next day. The members here are so good at fellowshipping so she felt very welcome! Also had a Japanese girl come to church and she loved it. So the work continues to push forward and we are excited to continue to see the miracles that come from talking with as many people as we can about these amazing truths that can help us come closer to Christ. Honestly it's so nice to know we aren't trying to force anything on anyway but just invite. It takes a lot of weight off of my shoulders and really makes me be more real. All I can say is "Our only sure reliance is to trust in the Lord and His love for His children" (Trust in the Lord Oct 2019) and everything will turn out great. The weather is still Honestly really nice out. Most days are above 13°C so I feel I will have a big shock when I get back to Calgary ahha. Really know that this great work I'm engaged in at this time is a work of power and miracles. Super grateful to be apart of it and have had so many amazing experiences. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!  


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