Oct 7 I have really grown to love this city an extreme amount, to the point I would move here if it had mountains...

Still out here in the beautiful city of Toronto. I have really grown to love this city an extreme amount, to the point I would move here if it had mountains. Honestly it is such a unique atmosphere and place. It is extremely worldly though in the sense of clothing, cars and houses ðŸ˜‚. I had some super cool experience this week that I am super grateful for. One was being able to get two of the people we found in the past week to general conference, which was so powerful by the way. I feel on your mission you get so much more out of general conference as you are extremely focused and attentive as you are striving to recieve revelation not only for yourself but those you are working with. This keeps you very laser focused as you are really trying to get all you can as you listen to each talk. I was able to have my departing interview with my mission president which was extremely special. It brought a lot of new light and understanding to my mission and the furture. Then to have general conference to receive inspiration for both was amazing. Been able to reflect a bit lately, it has really brought me to me hands and knees thanking my Father in Heaven for the experience I have had out here and continue to have. As well as how thankful I am to have the life, family and talents and abilities that He has given to me. I know they were designed and given to me specifically to do curtain things as I know he gives all of you the unique traits and characteristics to fulfill your purpose in life if you choose to. As I have really made a point at the end of the day to write down or thank God in my prayers for the blessings of that day I have seen His hand more abundantly and prevalently. This has really help me recognize His love for me and his His child. I was readying through a talk called O Remember, Remember by President Henry B. Eyring and he says "the challenge to remember has always been the hardest for those who are blessed abundantly. Those who are faithful to God are protected and prospered. That comes as the result of serving God and keeping His commandments. But with those blessings comes the temptation to forget their source. It is easy to begin to feel the blessings were granted not by a loving God on whom we depend but by our own powers". I have really come to see the importance in my own life to recognize each day that these blessing or good things happening are not by divine coincidence, but truly by divine placement by a loving Father in Heaven that wants us to be happy. An example of this is one of the people we found this past week. She has been here for about 3 months and is from Dubai. She has been super low as she has very few friends and has really had a tough time understanding why she is here. Which was extremely suprising to me as she is a very put together looking young lady. She honestly was a little intimidating to talk to at first I'm not going to lie ahahha. We were just walking from one Subway line to the other Subway line and we saw her asking another person how to get to a curtain station. We saw that and started to slow down as she was behind us and felt that was a great opportunity to start talking to her. As she caught up we asked how she was doing and she asked us if we knew how to get to the station she was trying to get to. We were able to help her and were heading in a similar direction so we kept talking. I had the opportunity to sit next to her as my companion went to talk to another person on the subway. I was able to teach her a little about what we do and the Plan of Salvation and promise her that this could help her come to know questions such as the meaning of life and where we go after. She was excited to learn and come out to an activity we had the next day! She showed up and had a wonderful time. This is just one of the many examples of those divine placements and not divine coincidences. Well I hope all is going well for every back home. Love you and hope you have a wonderful week!! 


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