Sept 18.....but the Lords work is still on fire haha!..Sweet experience finding this guy...

Well the city is starting to get a little cooler weather wise...but the Lords work is still on fire haha. This week was another exemplary week for us. We were able to put another guy on date for baptism. He legit is so cool and has a sweet story behind him. So about two weeks ago we were on a bus that was so packed you could barely move lol (happens everyday during rush hours). Anyway we ended up some how right next to each other and got talking as per usual as we are always trying to talk with people. Anyway we ended up getting on the topic of the Book of Mormon as he hadn't ever heard of it but had been Christian in the past. We were heading to another teaching appointment so unfortunately we had to hop off before we got his number. But I managed to hand him a card with our number on it and told him to text us...which more often then not doesn't happen (like my whole mission I think I have had max 15 people text or call us from just giving them our number). We were super late for our appointment already so we couldn't stay on another stop and try to get his number. So both my comp and I were praying this guy would phone as he saw this guy and was like he looks so sweet haha. About 15min go by and my companion looks at me and asks "is the guy you talk to named Co**y"(not aloud to put his name haha). I start to freak out and said a prayer right away and thank Heavenly Father as it was the same guy. We have now met with him 3 times and we put him on date for baptism on October 20th. He came to church this past Sunday and enjoyed it. I'm so grateful that we see miracles like this one as it really shows how powerful the message we share is and builds my testimony of curtain Gospel truths. It was funny as we talk to him about baptism his first comment was "well dang my dreads are going to be so wet" ahhaha. Super pumped for him to take these steps and come closer to Christ I do know that these steps show God we are willing to repent. As we all should know as well just as Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the Seventy said: “Repentance isn’t [God’s] backup plan in the event that we might fail. Repentance is His plan, knowing that we will.”. So God is so happy as we take these steps to repent, ultimately changing for the better. One of the things that goes along well with this is a topic I have been studying. I really am trying to come to and understanding of what is too much (perfectionism) but also making sure I'm still trying my best and progressing in a gospel sense and physical sense. I came across something I really liked as I studied about this. "Righteousness and perfection are not synonymous. While perfection is an outcome, righteousness is a pattern of faith and repentance which we choose every day. If perfection is a destination, then our covenants are our passport and righteousness is the steps on the journey. If this is our perspective on perfection, we can hope in good things to come as we patiently and persistently develop righteous patterns." (Perfectionism: A Toxic Game of "spot-the-difference" Ensign Sept 2019). I like this as it helps me really see that as we are developing Christ like qualities we are coming to perfection. We don't need to worry as long as we are on our path to making changes to develop these qualities that I know our perfect Savior Jesus Christ has. Grateful for the atmosphere I am in were these changes can be made more often than someone focusing on other things. We have an opportunity to do so all day everyday as we focus on others. But I know you can do it back home, like I will continue to strive to do when I return. But still got some time ðŸ˜‚😉. Well I love you all and hope you have a great week!


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